NEW! Version 3 of iPi Motion Capture is available. iPi Motion Capture 3 delivers new features for improved workflow including support of Kinect 2, improved arms tracking, simplified calibration and others. Read more >>
This documentation corresponds to version 2 of iPi Motion Capture. The latest documentation for version 3 can be found at
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Single Depth Sensor Configuration![]() iPi Soft uses its own tracking algorithms that give much better accuracy than other Kinect/Xtion/Carmine-based mocaps available in the market. This configuration is very easy to use, as it does not require calibration. For those who haven't had experience with mocap systems before, it is a good option to start from.
Dual Depth Sensor Configuration![]() ![]() Dual-Kinect/Xtion/Carmine configuration combines ease of use and flexibility of a single Kinect/Xtion/Carmine with power of multi-camera system. With two Microsoft Kinects, or ASUS Xtions, or PrimeSense Carmines animators can accurately capture complex motions including 360-degrees turns. | |
Multiple PS Eye Cameras Configuration![]() ![]() ![]() Sony PS Eye cameras are recommended as they give very good quality of video at up to 60 fps. Other cameras like webcams or DirectShow-compatible USB or FireWire cameras may be used but are not recommended. The configuration with 3 to 8 Sony PS Eye cameras is the most powerful option. It allows you to track very complex motions in a big capture area (up to 20 by 20 feet or 7 by 7 meters). |
Integrated Clean-Up and Motion Transfer![]() iPi Mocap Studio includes integrated animation clean-up and motion transfer. So you do not necessarily need expensive third-party software like Motion Builder. These tools are included in all editions. |
Multiple ActorsEditions: Standard
Motion ControllersEditions: All
KeyframingEditions: All
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Multiple GPUsEditions: Standard
Batch ProcessingEditions: Standard
Audio RecordingEditions: All
iPi Biomech Add-on | |
iPi Studio now includes functionality for in-depth biomechanical analysis of human motions. (Note that Add-on is not a free update and requires separate license key. 30-days free trial is available.)
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Editions: All |